How do I use this Hively support forum?
Date: March 25th, 2011 | Category: Top Questions
This support forum is designed to give you quick answers to any questions you might have about Hively. We’ve done our best to answer any/all questions we’ve received from our customers about Hively on this site. We will be updating it constantly with new information we think is helpful to you so check back often.
On this site you can browse questions by Categories relevant to topics in Hively. Simply click on a category, browse the questions, click on the one that is same/similar to yours and read the information to see if your question is answered. You can also see a list of the most popular and recently added questions.
In addition, at the very top of the home page of the support forum is a search bar. Type in your questions, keywords or category topic and see if the question you’re looking for is listed. If so, click on it and read the information to see if your question is answered.
If you can not find an answer to your question on this site you can send us an email at We will get back to you within 24 – 48 hours.
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