What if I want to delete a rating for a user?

Date: March 30th, 2011 | Category: Customer Ratings

No problem. Account Administrators have the ability to delete ratings of users.

Why would this ever be necessary?

Because of all these reasons (and most likely a few others), we’ve made it easy for Account Administrators to delete ratings for users.

As the Account Administrator, find the user you’re looking for on your Leaderboard and click on their name to view their ratings. Next to the rating you want to delete, click the ‘More’ menu and select ‘Delete rating’. Once you click to delete you will be asked to confirm this deletion request (we wouldn’t want you accidentally deleting the wrong rating!). After confirming deletion, the rating will be removed and associated rating points will be dismissed from all totals.

You can also delete any rating you choose from the ‘All Ratings’ page.

Article published on Hively - https://support.teamhively.com

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