How do I use Rating Request Templates?

Date: February 5th, 2019 | Category: Customer Ratings

Rating Request Templates are predefined settings that you can select when creating a Rating Request. We’ve provided a few for you to choose from, with each template relating to a different use of Rating Requests. For example the messaging for the Standard Request template includes wording and settings relating to feedback for a team member, whereas the Company Focussed template relates to the account.

When creating a Rating Request, you can select which template you would like to use from the Template dropdown list.

Adding a Template

In addition to the templates we’ve provided, Admins of Hively Premium accounts can create their own Templates as follows:

To see what your template will look like, click the Preview button at the bottom of the form at any point in the creation process.

Editing a Template

Admins of Hively Premium accounts can edit their Templates as follows:

To remove a template, click the Remove link instead. The predefined templates can’t be edited or removed.

Setting a Template as the default

Admins of Hively Premium accounts can select a default Templates as follows:

The default template will be selected automatically for you when creating new Rating Requests.

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