Can I feature Hively feedback on my website?

Date: March 11th, 2020 | Category: WOW Wall

Yes, Hively has widgets available for you to share your feedback on your website. This blog post gives a detailed overview and some live examples of the widgets. The widgets are available from Sharing Tools in the main menu, under the Configuration heading.

By default, the widgets will show your CSAT score. However if you click Enable sharing tools at the top of the Sharing Tools page, you can include selected feedback to display in the widget. With sharing tools enabled, raters will be asked for their permission for you to share their feedback when they leave a rating.

You can select feedback specific feedback to share from the My Ratings or (for Admins) All Ratings page. From the More dropdown list next the the feedback that you want to share, select Feature Rating. Select whether you want to share the feedback in the Account widget or the User widget and submit.

Adding a widget to your site

To add a widget, go to Sharing Tools under Configuration in the main menu in Hively. From there, click the Get Widget button under the style of widget that you would like to use and copy the widget. Paste the code anywhere in your site that you would like the widget to display.

We’ve provided some default styling for you, but have added IDs to every element in the HTML so that you can change the styling to fit your needs. You can inspect the code for your widget using the developer tools in your browser or mail us for a list of the available IDs for styling. Be sure to add ‘!important’ to any elements you style to override the widget’s own styles.

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