What notifications can I get from Hively?
Date: December 15th, 2010 | Category: Notifications
Account Administrators, Team leaders and users have several notification options and can set their own preference. Hively notifications provide you with valuable, real time information so be sure to check them out. All notifications are currently sent out via email.
To view all the notifications and set your preferences, select Notifications from the main menu in the top right-hand corner. You can determine which notifications your want to receive by simply toggling the switch for each.
Here is some summary information about the notifications in Hively. Account Administrators have access to the same notifications as Team Leaders.
Leaderboard & Top Score – Announces top score holder and total team leaderboard ranking. This email is sent to your entire team either weekly (Sunday night) or monthly (the first of every month) with data for the previous week or month, respectively.
Rating Summary - Summary of ratings and scores for each user and your team overall based on running results for the last 7 days. You can choose to receive this email daily, weekly (Sunday night) or not at all.
Customer Rating of Team Member – This notification is for Account Administrators and Team Leaders only. If that’s you, you can opt to be notified every time a user gets a rating from a customer. You can choose to receive all of them or select by specific rating types. This email is sent every time a customer provides a rating.
Customer Rating - This notification is for users only. If you’re a user you can opt to be notified every time you get a rating from a customer. This email is sent every time a customer provides a rating.
No Team Member Ratings - This notification is for Account Administrators and Team Leaders only. This lets you know which users are not getting customer ratings. This email is sent if 1 week passes without any ratings.
No Recent Ratings - This notification is for users only. Lets users know they are not getting any customer ratings. This email is sent if 1 week passes without any ratings.
Customer Rating Confirmation – This email is sent to your customer if they leave their email address when providing feedback. It’s basically an email confirmation receipt informing them of the rating and feedback they gave you.
Notifications are also sent out automatically for the following events:
For Team Leaders –
For users -
Article published on Hively - https://support.teamhively.com